Sempaya Hot Springs

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Sempaya Hot Springs.

Sempaya Hot Springs, nestled within Semuliki National Park in Bundibugyo district, Western Uganda, are a captivating tourist attraction. Positioned adjacent to the Ituri Forest, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, these hot springs entice numerous visitors.

The name “Sempaya” originates from the Kiswahili phrase “Sehemu Mbaya” (the difficult side), owing to the challenging terrain encountered during the construction of the Fort Portal – Bundibugyo road. While scientific explanations exist regarding the formation of Sempaya hot springs, the Bamaga clan, residing nearby, has its own folklore surrounding their origin. The water in these springs reaches temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Celsius.

Male Hot Spring

According to Mzee Adonia Balinsanga, head of the Bamaga clan, the hot springs hold a historical narrative. Legend has it that Bamaga women, while gathering firewood, encountered a mysterious man in bark cloth attire, accompanied by a zigzagging dog. Upon returning, they relayed the encounter to their husbands, who later brought the man, named Biteete, to the village and procured him a wife, Nyansimbi. Biteete, an avid hunter, mysteriously disappeared one day, with only his spear found at the current male hot spring, leading the villagers to believe he vanished there.

Upon learning of her husband’s disappearance, Nyansimbi also ventured into the forest, never to return, with only her garments discovered at the current female hot spring. Hence, these springs are now known as the male and female hot springs, believed by the Bamaga clan to house their respective ancestral spirits.

Despite being situated within a national park, the Bamaga clan conducts annual rituals at the hot springs, granted permission for their ceremonies. Locals and foreign tourists alike flock to Sempaya to bask in its breathtaking scenery. Some African traditions attribute healing properties to the hot springs, purportedly curing ailments and restoring fertility to barren women.

The Female Hot Spring

The female hot spring, a brief stroll from the male counterpart, offers visitors the opportunity to cook simple foods like eggs, matooke, and porridge in its scorching waters.

Sempaya hot springs can be included in nature walking safaris, accessible year-round. Other activities in Semuliki National Park encompass birdwatching, cultural tours, nature walks, hiking, primate walks, and game viewing in the nearby Semuliki Wildlife Reserve.


Visitors can find accommodation in various lodges and hotels in Fort Portal, such as Kyaninga Lodge, Rwenzori View Guest House, Mountains of the Moon Hotel, Isunga Lodge, Crater Safari Lodge, Chimpanzee Forest Lodge, Dutches Guest House, Fort Motel, and Semuliki Safari Lodge. The approximately two-hour drive along the Budibugyo road from Fort Portal offers an opportunity not to be missed – witnessing the grandeur of Sempaya hot springs, the largest in Uganda. 

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