Gorillas can get infected with most diseases suffered by humans. For this reason, tourists must keep as far away from the animals as possible. In the distribution range of the mountain gorillas, the climate is wet and cold, which the gorillas are not optimally adapted to. Respiratory tract diseases, particularly pneumonia, are the most frequent cause of death in mountain gorillas. We give you the best satisfying guide to your questions What Illnesses do Gorillas suffer from?
Gorillas only rarely have teeth cavities. Mountain gorillas in particular almost never suffer from it, as their food contains very little fruit and hence little sugar. Instead, in the mountain gorillas bad tartar leads to periodontitis, dissolving of the jaw bones and finally to the loss of teeth.
Most free-ranging gorillas have parasites, mainly intestinal parasites (protozoans or worms). Some of these parasites affect humans and gorillas equally, others specialize in gorillas. Various malaria parasites also affect gorillas, but usually they are different species than those that affect humans.
Many gorillas hurt themselves when they get entangled in a snare with a hand or foot. The wound can get infected and the gorilla may even die from this injury.
A severe danger for whole gorilla populations are epidemics like ebola. Viruses like the ebola virus can be transferred from gorillas to humans (and of course vice-versa).
Respiratory tract diseases, particularly pneumonia, are the most frequent cause of death in mountain gorillas. Gorillas only rarely have teeth cavities. Mountain gorillas in particular almost never suffer from it, as their food contains very little fruit and hence little sugar.
Gorilla Adaptability.
Gorillas have many adaptations that help them to survive, like their opposable thumbs that help them to gather plants to eat and their large arm muscles for climbing trees, knuckle walking and defense. Troops of gorillas are protected by the silverbacks, who are the dominant males of the groups.
At Kigezi Harambe Tours and Travels we give you the best information about your questions about What illnesses do Gorillas suffer from?